Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dish #2: Bacon Cheeseburger Crescent rollups!

This weekend Ben came to visit and I decided to try a new creation that I dreamed up while perusing recipes online. Have you ever made pepperoni bread? Well, the recipe called for a roll-up that included seasoned ground beef and Velveeta cheese in a similar style to pepperoni bread. Since I only have a toaster oven and not a real oven, I decided to adapt the recipe and roll up the ground beef and cheese in Crescent rolls. I browned the meat with bacon, garlic, Cayenne pepper, salt and pepper (notice a trend with the spices?). Just browning two slices of bacon with the pound of ground beef gave the beef a fabulous flavor. I spooned the browned meat, with a small piece of torn bacon on top of a slice of Velveeta and rolled it up in a Crescent roll. The result? excellent cheesy, beefy, goodness.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brittney,

    I love you and I think you and Ben are adorable. I dont like cheese, but browning the meat with bacon sounds absolutely divine!

